Emptied: Part 2 – Align Me

In the quiet moments of our lives, when the noise of the world fades into the background, a whisper emerges from the depths of our soulsโ€”a yearning for alignment with something greater than ourselves. It’s in these moments that our hearts echo the prayer, “Align me with Your will, O God.”

As we continue our journey in the “Emptied” series, having awakened to the reality of our pride and selfishness, we now stand at the threshold of desireโ€”not the desire for worldly gains or personal achievements, but for our wills to be intricately woven with the divine will of God. It’s a prayer for alignment, a plea for our desires, hopes, and dreams to mirror those of our Creator.

“Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). At first glance, this verse might seem to promise a blank check for our wishes. However, its true depth lies in the transformation of our desires to align with God’s desires. As we take delight in the Lord, our hearts are reshaped, our priorities realigned, and our spirits attuned to the heartbeat of God.

This alignment doesn’t happen overnight. It’s a processโ€”a journey marked by daily surrender, continuous prayer, and an openness to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Each day, as I kneel in prayer, I find myself asking, “Lord, mold my desires to reflect Your will. Help me to want what You want, to love what You love, and to pursue what You deem worthy.”

The path to alignment is often paved with challenges and sacrifices. It requires us to let go of our preconceived notions of success and fulfillment, to question our motives, and to critically examine the direction in which our desires are leading us. Are we seeking after things that bring temporary satisfaction, or are we investing in the eternal?

In moments of reflection, I am reminded of the early disciples, who left everything to follow Jesus. Their desires, ambitions, and very lives were aligned with the mission and message of Christ. They provide a powerful example of what it means to live in alignment with God’s willโ€”fully surrendered, wholly committed, and passionately devoted.

As we seek this alignment, let us be encouraged by the promise that God is working in us “both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (Philippians 2:13). Our journey towards alignment is not a solitary endeavor but a collaborative process with the Divine.

Today, as we reflect on our desires and aspirations, may we have the courage to pray earnestly, “Align me with Your will, O God.” May this prayer not just be words we utter but a reflection of the deepest longing of our heartsโ€”a longing to see our desires transformed and our lives realigned with the purpose and plan of our Creator.

Prayer for “Align Me”

“Gracious Father, gently align my heart with Yours, shaping my desires to reflect what You cherish and pursue. Guide me to recognize and embrace Your will above my own, that my life may glorify You in every thought, word, and deed. In Jesusโ€™ name, Amen.”

Reflection Question for “Align Me”

“In what ways have I noticed a discrepancy between my desires and Godโ€™s desires for me, and what practical steps can I take to begin aligning my heart more closely with His?”

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